AndroidEDU Professional Development
Short Courses (Learnshops)
Inspire and Imaginate
Mobile technology and tablets have changed the way we communicate, collaborate, create, and learn at school. Explore how to facilitate your Android device classroom as a tool for teaching, learning, sharing, creativity, and more. This is not an App- focused professional development, but more of a practice in managing how to teach and learn with tablets.
Whether you have Android devices just for teachers, one per student, or if your class shares the devices within your school, I can help you integrate them in your classroom environment and school.
Android App Essentials
Millions of apps are available with new ones entering the market by the minute, but where does one start? In this course, we will explore the essential types of app from the Google Play store (Screencasting, Presentation, App/Workflow, Audio/Visual, Writing/Inking, and Multimedia/Storytelling) you need for teaching and apps for your students to use.
You will learn how to use these apps and discover the best practices to make the most of your Android devices.
Authentic Mobile Learning
Learning can and should take place through natural flow and experiences. Enabling and empowering students to follow their passions, will lead to autonomy, mastery, and something beautiful. Your challenge is to facilitate this zest and mobile learning can provide you more possibilities.
I can help your project-based learning or theme-based learning environments integrate Android devices and mobile learning for your goals.
Other Android EDU Services
Android Helpsite
Blended Tech Learning offers an Android tablet helpsite template, which can be customized for you and linked to your own domain. Tutorials, links, videos, etc, are made available for faculty and staff, students, and parents, and are customized and edited to assure adherence to policies specific to your context and users. In addition, the helpsite could be a portal to share why and how you are using Android tablets at school.
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