Choose from Minecraft Immersion Remote Series to my 1-day agenda, 2-day agenda, or work with me to "craft" your own pathway for your teachers!
Free Minecraft Skins Directions
1. Download mcpack files (linked)
2. Right-click on the mcpack file and Open with Minecraft for Education (on a tablet it will say "Open with Minecraft Education Edition" once downloaded)
3. Login and bam!; You have them!
Minecraft Education Edition: 2-DAY Mentoring Learning Day
Game-based learning or why Minecraft?
Discuss and Reflect on game-based learning principles.Placing your first blocks
Learn Minecraft controls, settings, and complete building challenges.Managing Minecraft beginners
Learn key features to help manage Minecraft in the classroom.Supporting educators and next steps mentoring
A guided tour through a plethora of Minecraft resources.ADVANCED MODULES
Applying math to Minecraft
Literacy with Minecraft
Chemistry with Minecraft
Social-emotional skills with Minecraft
Formative assessment
Learn how to use the camera, book and quill, portfolio and others.Minecraft Lesson Jigsaw
Choose lessons applicable to your classroom and learn to adapt them.Minecraft Build Challenges
30+ classroom build challenge activities.Collaborative game play with Minecraft
Explore the power of multiplayer activities.Managing Minecraft Experts
Learn about coordinates, allow/deny blocks and slash commands.MInecraft Breakout EDU
Learn features and functionality for hybrid learning experiences.Introduction to coding with Minecraft
Learn about Minecraft's computer science applications for all ages.All Minecraft Sessions require participants to have a Windows 10 device, MAC, Chromebook (that supports Android apps), or iPad.
Minecraft Immersion, from crafting your first blocks to multiplayer games to learning how to use across any subject or grade level. (6 sessions for 90 minutes each = $3000)
Custom "Crafted" Minecraft Mentoring learning days have the same cost as 1-DAY and 2-DAY agendas except the agenda for those days are developed in collaboration between the school and Blended Tech Learning. Schools pick and choose from the above modules.
A 1-DAY Minecraft Mentoring learning day is 6 hours in length with an hour lunch break. Cost is $2000
2-DAY Minecraft Mentoring learning days are two 6-hour days in length with an hour lunch break each day. It is suggested that the second day is completed about 3-4 weeks after the first day of training. Cost is $3000
Custom "Crafted" Minecraft Mentoring learning days have the same cost as 1-DAY and 2-DAY agendas except the agenda for those days are developed in collaboration between the school and Blended Tech Learning. Schools pick and choose from the above modules
Minecraft Certified Educator
Minecraft Certified Trainer
Minecraft Global Mentor
Nic Finelli
Nic is a classroom educator and National Board Certified Teacher with 20 years of experience working with adults educators to craft and deliver exciting, fun, and authentic professional learning for educators. Besides conducting MInecraft mentoring for teachers, Nic also trains educators interested in maximizing digital learning with G Suite, Microsoft for Education tools, Apple, and more. See his credentials and learn more...