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Minecraft Classroom Immersion

Minecraft As a Minecraft Certified Trainer, I offer 1 and 2 day workshops on using Minecraft collaboration, game-based learning in your classroom. See details...

Digital Literacy through Bing Search and Interactive Resources for the Classroom

Learn tips and advanced search functions along with an assortment of technology tools that will help you find and utilize the resources you need for your teaching and learning--FASTER! It's digital literacy 101.

OneDrive Management

Integrate Office 365 in your classroom by learning how to manage OneDrive, folders, sharing and visibility along with Delve to make your classroom flow.

More Learning with Microsoft

Microsoft and Windows App by App Integration

Discover and practice ways to integrate each Microsoft App: Word, Excel, Powerpoint,OneNote, Sway, Delve, and Mix.

FORMative Assessment

Using Office Mix and other web tools for formative assessments

NOTE-able Research and Writing

Advanced features with OneNote and Word for writing, research, speaking, and listening

Data Driven with Excel

Explore the many ways to collect data and analyze it in your classroom

Powerful Powerpoints and Sensational Sways

Engage your audience better by learning the art of presenting quality presentations

NEXT GeN "Add-ons" to Enhance

Explore 20+ Office 365 for Education add-ons to make your classroom more engaging, learning more efficient, and just plain fun!

Create Your Own

Collaborate and create your own course with us. We are open and capable to do almost anything!